This episodic string quartet is inspired by The Dark Knight Rises, specifically the scene in The Dark Knight Rises when Bruce Wayne is in The Pit. This prison was where his enemy, Bane, spent the first part if his life. This piece goes through : the initial confusion of what what caused the current state of distress, attempting to climb out and failing multiple times, the frustration and fear that there may be no hope, the introspection of how one may solve this problem, preparing mentally and physically for another attempt with better strategy, the positive feeling of being prepared due to proper planning, the final attempt itself, and being successful and free! There are at least two brief quotes of Danny Elfman's Batman theme (even though the aforementioned film was scored by Hans Zimmer) can you find them? The story arc of this piece also is inspired by any of life's processes. The cycle I mentioned above can and has applied to my own personal development.
Score & Parts $50